Top 3 Sure Fire Tips to Get your Auto Repair Shop Emails Read

If you own an auto body or auto repair shop (small or large) you know that getting in touch with customers via email is pivotal to interact. That is why being consistent and creative is so important when it comes to sending out newsletters to your clients.

Auto Repair Marketing

In previous articles we've mentioned why newsletters keep your customers aware of changes and specials offered for a specific period. But the real question is, how do you get clients that just don't read emails to do just that, read your emails? We've solved the ever present problem auto body shop owners have had for years of how to improve your click through rates.

Start with the Basics

Are you correctly communicating the source of this email to your readers? Readers don't sit through emails or automatically know who they're from so make sure your clients know the source of the email and that it's not just spam. Send it from an email address that is easy to recognize and readers' can automatically confirm it's coming from someone they know.

Auto Repair Shop Marketing Tips

Are you the kind of person that begins your newsletter with a subject line titled "newsletter (date)?" If so, this might be the root of the problem. The subject line is a big deal as well as the hook of the entire email. It subconsciously tells the reader why they should open the email; it doesn't matter if it's curiosity that led them to it. Millions of emails are sent each day and its scary how many of us open an email because of what the subject line says.

Speaking of Subject Lines…

This had to be explored deeper because subject lines are seen on a daily basis in many different fields, not just emails. How many times have you had someone say they have something to tell you and that alone causes more curiosity than anything else? Or think of this, why do we watch specific movies? It's because previews are extended subject lines and let's admit it, they do a pretty good job of conveying brief messages.

Auto Repair Shop Marketing Ideas

Unfortunately, we don't have 2 or 3 minutes in the digital marketing world, instead we have 30 or 40 characters that need to as effective as a Christopher Nolan trailer. You also want to use to subject line to let clients know of a special. Something amazing they would be really missing out on if they didn't take the next step and click.

While Supplies Last

No one likes a tease but isn't that what we experience on a daily basis? Some of you might be saying no but I speak for most people when I say I've sat through an entire boring show just to watch a 30 second clip or commercial that has been teased at every commercial break and conveniently aired at the last minute. If you feel you have a new product or service you want to push, make sure you tease it at the top, explain it once they click and add the details down at the bottom. This way you can have readers go through the body of the email completely and go through your company's other services at the bottom.

For more information on click through rates and email newsletters contact JMC Automotive Equipment today.

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