Top 3 Reasons why Women Should Date an Auto Technician

When it comes to the dating world no group of men are overlooked as much as auto technicians. Women see our greasy hands and mistake us for either hobos or people with menial jobs that basically anyone can do. Women are attracted more to lawyers and doctors mostly because of the respect that comes with saying your significant other is a lawyer or doctor. But many women fail to recognize is that there are many benefits that come with dating an auto technician. So without further ado, here are the Top 3 Reasons why Women Should Date an Auto Technician.

no time for cheating

No Time for Cheating

On average, auto technicians spend 10 hours a day in the shop which means there is very little room for extramarital affairs. Not saying doctors and lawyers are cheaters but they certainly have more opportunities with nurses and secretaries. Auto techs on the other hand tend to not have the pleasure of having very many attractive co-workers. No offense to Dave, Roy and Bill but they’re just not my type.

Auto techs tend to be bombarded with work and even though we’re not entrusted to save lives, our field of work helps people commute in a safe and efficient manner. Lawyers? Well, let’s just say they help your booze addled uncle Rob get back on the road.

Working Under Pressure

On a daily basis auto technicians have to deal with different types of people, situations and pressure which means we know people. We know behaviors and there is basically little we haven’t seen. Telling someone about their car problems, cost and estimated times brings out the worst in people which is why difficult situations are something we are familiar with.

Although the relationships we have with our customers aren't physical we still go through rough patches and good moments with our clients. We learn quickly what irritates people and what to say and do to mend a difficult situation.

Hard-working, Handy-folk

There is nothing worse than a lazy spouse and stereotypes aside, just like some men look for women that are skilled in housework, women look for men that are handy and pull their own weight when it comes to housework. Auto technicians epitomize this because we’re constantly working, when we finish servicing a vehicle, there is always work to be done somewhere in the shop. It is hard to get away with being lazy in the automotive world because the second you start over-promising and under-delivering, you’ll be replaced with someone hungrier and more passionate than you are.


The automotive world is similar to the medical field basically because just like people will always get sick, people will always need to have their cars repaired. Regardless of how old or how new a car is, it will always need repairs and no vehicle can go without maintenance. So what we’re saying is, money might be important to some people but there are also many benefits that come with dating a technician and if those 3 aren't enough, think of how much you’ll save on car related expenses!

What other reasons can you think of for why auto technicians make great partners?

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