Digital Marketing Tools Every Auto Shop Owner Should Utilize

The year is in its final quarter and it is during this time that we begin to analyze what it has left us in terms of earnings and teachings. Now is the time that many of us auto repair shop owners begin to think of new strategies to attract more clients and how to continue to engage the ones we already have. Easier said than done, right? Luckily there are a few good marketing tools every business leader should have in their arsenal that will facilitate the process.

Good Content is Essential

Auto Repair Shop Marketing

Writing good content is important for many reasons and what many business owners fail to realize is that it is what keeps viewers coming back to your website. If your content is interesting and relevant you improve your chances of a potential client contacting you wishing to learn more about your product and or services. Even if you just post one piece per week it helps attract viewers to your site and most importantly it lets search engines know you are the authority for the product or service you offer. One piece of advice would be to be consistent with your writing. If you're going to post once per week; make sure you don't leave your readers wondering when the next interesting piece will be published.

Impeccable Design

Auto Repair Shop Marketing

Great design is crucial for many reasons but what exactly is great design? A well designed website is a site where colors and text are harmonious, images/videos are perfectly placed and last but not least, your site is simple. Many people think more is better but if you've been on the most popular websites you'll see that they are simple and it works pretty well. Facebook, Google and Apple are 3 of the biggest online companies and we dare you to find ostentatious colors or shiny bright lights. A well designed site will also allow users to navigate easily which is good because it helps them go where you want them to go. Whether you're looking to have them sign up for a newsletter, view your product list, and even share what they've just read a well-designed site will eventually have them get to those places.

Social Media is here to Stay

Auto Repair Marketing

When social media began more than 10 years ago most people believed it would be the latest trend to permeate the cultural zeitgeist but here we are 10 years hence and Facebook is one of the world's biggest companies. With more than a billion active users, if Facebook were a country, it would be the second largest in the world! Any company that isn't on Facebook better get on it right away because it is the best way to find out what your clients are saying about you. It is also a good way to attract more clients. For auto shop owners aiming towards ranking their website on search engines, it is important to have social media profiles on the most relevant platforms.

Digital marketing campaigns allow your small business to be on par with companies twice your size. If you update your site regularly with fresh original content, have impeccable web design and stay active with your friends and followers on social media, there is no reason why 2015 won't bring the growth your auto repair shop deserves.

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