4 Things Auto Repair Shops Should Know About “Millennials”

4 Things Auto Repair Shops Should Know About “Millennials”

Is your auto repair shop marketing to millennials? If not, you’re overlooking a group of people that will very shortly begin to frequent repair shops in your area.

“Millennials” or “Generation Y” was a term coined to describe any person born anywhere between the 1980s and early 2000s.

For many years the baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) and Generation X (1960s-1980) were the much coveted age group to target but as the years progress, baby boomers and GenXers will be replaced in numbers by millennials. So here are 4 Things Auto Repair Shops Should Know About “Millennials.”

Millennials and their Behaviour

Millennials, unlike their predecessors (baby boomers and Generation X) grew up with the internet which means the transition from dial-up to having the world in your pocket was a breeze. As opposed to the baby boomers which some still struggle with keeping up.

This new generation of future repair shop customers heavily rely on the opinion of their parents and peers before making a purchase, tend to use their vehicles more for longer travels and last but not least, are the most tech savvy generation of adults to date. 

4 Things you Should Know

  1. They’re Addicted to Technology - No secret here, your children or grandchildren are most likely Millennials and are on their phones 24/7. They do everything on there and chances are, have probably asked Google for advice on various topics ranging from how to iron a shirt to how much is an oil change. It’s not to say that you’re not addicted to technology but these have learned to use the internet to basically guide them towards life, so if your repair shop doesn’t have a website you’re clearly missing out because how else will these internet-dependant potential customers find you?

Addicted to Technology

  1. Social Media is their main Source of Entertainment - Statistics show that Facebook has over a billion users (1.35 billion to be exact) which means if it was its own country it would be the world’s third most populous country. That doesn’t mean they’re all your potential clients but it does mean your shop can get massive exposure if you use Facebook correctly. Think about it, most of this generation is always on Facebook meaning you have a great mean of sharing images, engaging with your followers and ultimately, getting your shop’s message across.
  2. All About Traveling - Another main characteristic of millennials is their undying desire to travel and see the world. Granted, not all can afford international travels so the few that can’t, stick to cross-country travels. This is great news for repair shop owners everywhere because with oil prices dropping, more and more people will be looking to use their cars more for longer travels which mean more maintenance and repairs.

Traveling4. Word of Mouth and Recommendations - In this day and age, millennials still depend heavily on word of mouth before purchasing vehicle related products and services, but lately we’re also seeing a trend of young people relying on the opinion of complete strangers before choosing an automotive repair company. Allow me to explain, sites like Yelp and Google+ are designed specifically for people to provide their honest opinion on products, services and businesses they’ve been to. This is the way most millennials learn about auto repair shops in the area so once you have a solid clientele, asking them to write a review about your shop on Yelp or Google+ can only benefit you in the long run. If I search for “auto repair shops near me” and your shop comes up with positive reviews, I wouldn’t hesitate before taking my car to your shop. 

How to Target Millennials

As previously stated, millennials aren’t like Genxers that were more independent-minded. They didn’t have access to Google on a daily basis to let them know which repair shop is the best and how many positive Yelp reviews they got. Millennials rely on their peers and on social media heavily before making any purchase. More so with such an important piece of their daily life, their cars.

In order to attract this generation to your repair shop you should most definitely have web presence (if you don’t believe us, check this article out  Top 3 Reasons why your Repair Shop needs a Website in 2015), social media (at least Facebook, Instagram and Google+) and add your business to the Yelp.com and Google +. Keeping all of these tips in mind will ensure you have a better chance of marketing to the newer generation of auto repair shop clients.

What other characteristics come to mind when you think of millennials and their behaviour at auto repair shops?

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