Two Stage

Two Stage Air Compressors, which are also known as piston type compressors, rely on a motor which builds up air pressure when it gets depleted and they store compressed air in tanks. There are both single stage and two stage compressors.

Two stage compressors are known for having two cylinders. The first is located at the front and is slightly smaller than the one in the back. The cylinder on the back has a smaller high pressure piston and the larger cylinder has a low pressure piston. Two stage air compressors are much better suited in industrial settings where the usage is continuous.

At JMC Automotive Equipment we carry Two Stage Air compressors from the industry’s biggest names. With Ingersoll Rand, Chicago Pneumatic, Bendpak and BelAire as some of the brands we carry, no one knows the importance of quality air compressors quite like JMC.