How to use Social Media to promote your Auto Repair Shop Email Newsletters
Posted by Juan E. Chavez on 9th Nov 2014
Social media may be slow when it comes to people actually purchasing something but once you have a good following, it will be easier to push a certain product and or service. When used properly, social media can also be used to properly promote your email marketing.
Here are some tips for promoting your email marketing on social media:
Sharing is Caring
Your readers look to you for guidance and when you send them newsletters, they will read them so it is important to have easily sharable. Your newsletters should always include a prominent 'Share' button that will make sharing this piece a matter of a simple "click."
You should also include a "share this" button on the bottom of your emails and make sure to add different platforms. The more platforms you're on, the more you improve the chances of hitting the preferred social network of an eager reader that might be looking to share what he just read with his friends.
Keep it Real
Building relationships with your customers and potential clients is the main component of having a business page on social networks. Just like via email you start to build an intimate connection with people, social networks work better if the reader knows there is a person behind every publication.
In layman's terms, even if it's your business page, don't be afraid to share actual experiences. It will make your message connect deeper with subscribers as well as social networks.
The 80/20 Rule
For those unaware the 80/20 rule is applied to social media and it states that 80% of your posts should be interesting and fun. Fill emails with bits of interesting content but also be funny in order to keep them engaged. Not so funny that they will take the content as a joke but be yourself in your writing. Provide them with useful information as well as tip sharing and advice.
The last 20% is the "selling" portion of the article where you use this time to push the product or service you're looking to sell. If you use the whole article to talk about your products or service not only is it sketchy but people don't want to spend their time reading content about a product or service being pushed down their throats. The rule of thumb is the 80/20 rule because the 80% builds your credibility and helps you build a personal connection and with the 20% you subtly seal the deal. The more interesting your content for the 80% is, the easier it will be to sell.
To learn more about targeting your business on social media or about email newsletters, contact JMC Automotive Equipment today.