How Adding Relevant Images to Auto Repair Shop's Emails Keep Readers Engaged

The saying in real estate has always been, "location, location, location" but in the sales industry we go by a different saying and that is, "a picture is worth a thousand words." If you have an auto repair or auto body shop and regularly send emails and newsletters you should know that a good percentage of click rates depend on visuals of the email. When communicating with clients, both current and potential you want to be as concise as possible whilst providing high resolution images that show them you've spent time creating that email. Words matter but pictures can go a long way!

The following are a few tips that will help you make your emails visually appealing while conserving the fresh, original content that has made you so popular among your readers. 

1. All Text Can be Boring


No offense guys but if you own an auto shop and are looking to spice up your newsletters all text emails can be a little boring. If you write your newsletters basing the content mostly on the specs and features of a certain product, your readers will just skim right through it. What you want is your readers to learn about the product see the product and read the subliminal section that will convince them to click the call to action. You can achieve this by using modern email templates that show you where exactly to place the images and how big they should be. You should also keep in mind that the size of the image is important but remember that if you're going to stretch out an image to make it bigger, it will affect the overall quality of your newsletter.

2. Dress up your emails with well-chosen images

well-chosen images

Images are basically the visual aids of your article so ensure that when you add images that they go hand in hand with the text. Readers are looking for a way to browse through your products without having to read long paragraphs or have to go through pages of specifications. They want to see a high resolution image strategically placed next to a description and a call to action. If you can also implement non tacky dollar sign images, your readers will be subconsciously drawn if they think they can save money by going with your product.

3.Use Original Images

be original

With handheld devices becoming more and more capable, it is easier than ever to take high quality images with your mobile device. A multimedia film studio is right in our pockets yet many of us continue to struggle when it comes to finding the right image. Shoot your own pictures and video and add them to your emails. This will provide even more of a personal touch to your already engaging email newsletter. Using well organized home videos on your newsletters helps create an intimate bond that allows the reader to know there is an actual person taking the time to write the email and not some big time marketing team. You can also give your readers the chance to get to know your company on a more intimate level by sharing photos and videos of staff, customers and in some cases, the production process!

4.Don't Forget to Cite the Sources


Using non original images is a tricky game and many of us are unaware that using images taken from someone else's website can be illegal unless they're cited properly. When using your own images is not an option, there are always image banks where for a small fee you can have hi-res images with the click of a button. Using images that are borrowed from someone else can also be unfavorable due to the fact that if your readers see this image on other sites, your company may lose credibility.

In case all else fails remember you can count on JMC Automotive Equipment for all of your automotive and email marketing needs. Be ahead of your competition and continue to engage your hard earned clients with our help. Contact us today. 

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