Rapid Air 50910 1/4" Npt Brass Tee (28-025)
Limited warranty
Products manufactured by the seller carry a limited one year warranty only as follows:
Products manufactured by engineered specialties, LLC., rapidair products division are
warranted to be free of defects due to faulty material or worksmanship for 12 months
from the date of purchase. Normal wear and tear is not considered a defect in material
or worksmanship. Liability under this warranty is limited to the replacement of the
defective part provided that the following conditions are met:
- The company is promptly notified in writing of such defect immediately upon
discovery, and the defective product is returned for inspection
- The defect is not due, without limitation, to faulty installation, misalignment of
the product, vibration, pressure pulsations, ordinary wear and tear, corrosion,
ultraviolet degradation, operation outside the product specified limits and using
the product for uses other than its intended use.
- Seller makes no warranty of merchantability of the goods or of the fitness of the
goods for any particular purpose. Seller makes no warranties through any
course of dealing and/or performance between the seller and buyer.
- The seller will not pay claims for labor, materials and/or other expenses required
to replace or repair a defective product. The seller’s liability is limited to the
replacement of the defective part. Seller reserves the right to modify or alter
the product at any time.
- Products which were not manufactured by the seller are subject to only the
original manufacturer’s guarantee and warranties, if any. Seller does not have
any additional responsibility if original manufacturer denies warranty claim. In
no event, (whether a product is warranted by seller or not) shall seller be liable
for any incidental, consequential or special damages of any kind or nature
whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits arising from or in any way
connected with this agreement or items sold hereunder, whether alleged to arise
from breach of contract, express or implied warranty, or in tort, including
without limitation, negligence, failure to warn or strict liabilty.